" Last Day Saints " Blog#1 " Thank you for visiting my site"... The purpose of this site is to inform other believers of the truth of God's word, as well as expose the onslaught of the enemy by any means necessary... The devil has infiltrated the Body of Christ by leaps and bounds, while the church has been silent... "Last Day Saints" believe that silence is a sin and should not be tolerated... Therefore we are contending for the faith, and we stand by (Eph 5:11-13)...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
"Mind or the Spirit"?
I heard this very well known Pastor on Television quote, or, shall I say misquote this scripture...He said; the
natural (mind) does not recieve the things of the spirit of God...(1 Cor 2:14) actually says; "But the natural (man) recieveth not the things of the spirit of God...In other words, this Pastor fails to draw a distinction between the natural (mind), and the natural (man)...The Lord never said, we had to suppress our minds to experience the spirit of God, because if we put our minds at rest or in neutral, we would become passive(like a sponge soaking up whatever is given)to us...We are to guard our own hearts because our heart can decieve us...God communicates to man through intellect(mind) not our feelings or our spirit only...(Rom 12:2)
says; "we are transformed by the renewing of our mind(through the word) not by experiences, this means it is not subjective but objective...(1Cor 2:16) says; we have the mind of Christ...We are to be alert and sober minded...Just as Christ used His mind, we are to use ours also...We are to love God with all our hearts, mind, soul, and strength...All these go "together', they are unified for our worship, our service, and living...the
mind is our protection and is not to be put aside and belittled as we hear so many teachings today...We are
hearing that you can't understand the things of the spirit with it, but the truth is, that we can't understand spiritual things without it!! (Hosea 4:6) says; "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" this requires thinking not feeling...God communicates with mankind via the intellect and senses, such as; "sight and
hearing" not being exclusive to feelings, because knowledge is recieved through the mind, it does not by pass
it...the bible says, The word became flesh, "Logos" is the word from which we get the term for logic and reasoning...Over and over in scripture, we hear the saying; "the word of the Lord (came) to Ezekiel", Jeremiah and other prophets, rarely does it say; the spirit came!! God revealed Himself to the prophets by His word, yet the word and the spirit are synonomous, they work together...Saints, don't leave your minds at the door..."Jesus engaged the whole person, especially the mind"...Nowhere did Jesus tell people not to think, the word even tells us to "meditate and ponder"...In fact, Jesus gave long sermons teaching, engaging their minds...The Holy Spirit's illumination is when the mind is in full use...Amen
natural (mind) does not recieve the things of the spirit of God...(1 Cor 2:14) actually says; "But the natural (man) recieveth not the things of the spirit of God...In other words, this Pastor fails to draw a distinction between the natural (mind), and the natural (man)...The Lord never said, we had to suppress our minds to experience the spirit of God, because if we put our minds at rest or in neutral, we would become passive(like a sponge soaking up whatever is given)to us...We are to guard our own hearts because our heart can decieve us...God communicates to man through intellect(mind) not our feelings or our spirit only...(Rom 12:2)
says; "we are transformed by the renewing of our mind(through the word) not by experiences, this means it is not subjective but objective...(1Cor 2:16) says; we have the mind of Christ...We are to be alert and sober minded...Just as Christ used His mind, we are to use ours also...We are to love God with all our hearts, mind, soul, and strength...All these go "together', they are unified for our worship, our service, and living...the
mind is our protection and is not to be put aside and belittled as we hear so many teachings today...We are
hearing that you can't understand the things of the spirit with it, but the truth is, that we can't understand spiritual things without it!! (Hosea 4:6) says; "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" this requires thinking not feeling...God communicates with mankind via the intellect and senses, such as; "sight and
hearing" not being exclusive to feelings, because knowledge is recieved through the mind, it does not by pass
it...the bible says, The word became flesh, "Logos" is the word from which we get the term for logic and reasoning...Over and over in scripture, we hear the saying; "the word of the Lord (came) to Ezekiel", Jeremiah and other prophets, rarely does it say; the spirit came!! God revealed Himself to the prophets by His word, yet the word and the spirit are synonomous, they work together...Saints, don't leave your minds at the door..."Jesus engaged the whole person, especially the mind"...Nowhere did Jesus tell people not to think, the word even tells us to "meditate and ponder"...In fact, Jesus gave long sermons teaching, engaging their minds...The Holy Spirit's illumination is when the mind is in full use...Amen
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"The Fragrance of Christ"....
(2 Cor 2:14-17) "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triump in Christ, and through us diffuses the
fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other, the aroma of life, leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ...God speaks of our prayers as incense in the OT, and the sacrifices as a sweet smelling aroma unto
Him. We are His ambassadors to the world, and we are a family, His body in the earth...Though we may not all meet together, we are united in the spirit as we worship Him in spirit and in truth...
If this is what the "church" is supposed to be united in, "why, do we disagree"? Why, are there conflicts in the church?...The answer is simple, "My people perish from a lack of knowledge"...It should be obvious, if you
are observing what is taking place in the church, and understanding it from a biblical perspective...There is alot of garbage(mess)coming in the church today..."Some teachers", that were once grounded in scripture have been corrupted(influenced)away from their place(contending for the faith)...Discernment isn't coupled with truth any more, and silence within the church is a big problem...If we believe God's word, then we should be on guard about those who come in His name to decieve with their teachings, prophecies and their solicitation of money to have a blessing..."Watch and pray"...
fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other, the aroma of life, leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ...God speaks of our prayers as incense in the OT, and the sacrifices as a sweet smelling aroma unto
Him. We are His ambassadors to the world, and we are a family, His body in the earth...Though we may not all meet together, we are united in the spirit as we worship Him in spirit and in truth...
If this is what the "church" is supposed to be united in, "why, do we disagree"? Why, are there conflicts in the church?...The answer is simple, "My people perish from a lack of knowledge"...It should be obvious, if you
are observing what is taking place in the church, and understanding it from a biblical perspective...There is alot of garbage(mess)coming in the church today..."Some teachers", that were once grounded in scripture have been corrupted(influenced)away from their place(contending for the faith)...Discernment isn't coupled with truth any more, and silence within the church is a big problem...If we believe God's word, then we should be on guard about those who come in His name to decieve with their teachings, prophecies and their solicitation of money to have a blessing..."Watch and pray"...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Mary's conception"
"Physical conception vs. Spiritual conception":
I believe that Mary's(mother of Jesus) conception was written not only to help us understand, how our Savior came into the world, but it was written so that, we would have a revelation of our own spiritual
conception of the word...Not only did Mary give birth to a son, she gave birth to the word!!...(Luke 1:26-
27) "Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a
(Virgin)betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David...The (virgin's) name was Mary...
"Virgin", meaning without intimacy!!...Before conception can take place, we have to "come in" (luke 1:28);
we have to come into faith and intimacy(personal relationship)with God...In, (Luke 1: 29-31) it say's; But
she was troubled at his(angel)saying, perhaps in fear, just like some of us having a baby for the first time!!..
"She probably wondered if she would carry the baby to full term"? She probably worried about what people
would think of her being pregnant, and unmarried just like some of us!!...But remember what the angel said;
"rejoice, highly favoured one, the Lord is with you, blessed are you "among" women"...The day that we
recieved Christ as our personal Savior,"conception took place"...Anyone in relationship with Him should
not be barren(unproductive)...The word in you should be growing, and others should see the evidence of
pregnancy...The devil can't stop our "conception", he can't make us "abort" our promises, abortion is up to
us...With the help of the Holy Spirit, we give birth to the "word of God', we give birth to our healings, our
deliverances, our blessings, our prosperity, our harvest, and everything God has for us..."Mary demonstrated
humility," she waited on God to bring His promise to fulfillment, she carried God's seed(word)to full term
and was called blessed among women...(Luke 1:45) "Blessed is she(you) who believed, for there will be a
fulfillment of "those things" which were told her (from) the Lord"...
I believe that Mary's(mother of Jesus) conception was written not only to help us understand, how our Savior came into the world, but it was written so that, we would have a revelation of our own spiritual
conception of the word...Not only did Mary give birth to a son, she gave birth to the word!!...(Luke 1:26-
27) "Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a
(Virgin)betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David...The (virgin's) name was Mary...
"Virgin", meaning without intimacy!!...Before conception can take place, we have to "come in" (luke 1:28);
we have to come into faith and intimacy(personal relationship)with God...In, (Luke 1: 29-31) it say's; But
she was troubled at his(angel)saying, perhaps in fear, just like some of us having a baby for the first time!!..
"She probably wondered if she would carry the baby to full term"? She probably worried about what people
would think of her being pregnant, and unmarried just like some of us!!...But remember what the angel said;
"rejoice, highly favoured one, the Lord is with you, blessed are you "among" women"...The day that we
recieved Christ as our personal Savior,"conception took place"...Anyone in relationship with Him should
not be barren(unproductive)...The word in you should be growing, and others should see the evidence of
pregnancy...The devil can't stop our "conception", he can't make us "abort" our promises, abortion is up to
us...With the help of the Holy Spirit, we give birth to the "word of God', we give birth to our healings, our
deliverances, our blessings, our prosperity, our harvest, and everything God has for us..."Mary demonstrated
humility," she waited on God to bring His promise to fulfillment, she carried God's seed(word)to full term
and was called blessed among women...(Luke 1:45) "Blessed is she(you) who believed, for there will be a
fulfillment of "those things" which were told her (from) the Lord"...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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