Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Toxic churches: Classic warning signs

Visitors or new church members often cannot see the problems within a church, because they haven't gotten beyond surface relationships. The new member may be caught up in the enthusiasm of the pastors vision, or focused on the preaching or worship. It's just like visiting a family for an evening and not discern that there might be some abuse, so it can be hard to know a church family until you have lived with them for awhile...Members are usually not being abused until they have invested too much time and money to back out  easily. And those who are really involved but also recognize the problems, are scared of being labeled a "jezebel" from the leadership. This is why it is so neccessary to pray about where the Lord would have you fellowship. The same healthy attitude you would have in dating someone should apply to joining a church...
1. Elitism and or Isolation:  When a leader calls for isolation from other christians or the Body of Christ, "be suspicious". when the isolation is a distancing from other Gospel preaching, Bible-teaching churches, there could be a problem such as "pride" or even worse "witchcraft". When the leader begin to say things such as; "we are the only church with true revelation" or  "ain't nothing happening at that church" or "be careful of who you sit under" usually that leader has an agenda!!  The Bible is filled with instructions for having a loving regard for everyone who truly confesses Jesus Christ is Lord. In fact, Jesus said; that it is only in unity that the Body of christ will come into the fullness of God's will (John 17:23). When members are told to cut off all relationships outside of his church including your very own family, that should be considered a very serious warning, and you are looked upon as a infidel in the sight of God (1Tim 5:8). Isolation is a form of witchcraft to dominate and control the individual or individuals lives. We have pastors today who are practicing this in their churches, dividing  the church, "member against member", "husband against wives", and "family against family" etc.
2. Another bad fruit from leaders is called "Elitism". The attitude of a person with this spirit is a different standard. A standard between themselves and the people of the church. When this reaches an extreme, leaders will even think that they have a "special license" from God to do what they want even if it is contrary to Bible standards. I call this the "us-them" mentality!! leaders who refer to themselves as "God's anointed" leave you with the impression that- they are the only one called in the church. This church structure can soon have a hierarchy and pecking order, the same as in the secular world, based on world values, "the closer you get to the top of the pyramid the more spiritual you are". Those lower down (members) are basically just there to support the ministry of the "anointed one". This spirit of "Elitism" is at odds with Paul's statement in Eph 4:11-13. Paul states, that the apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor/teachers are there to train and equip the church--the people--so that the members can do the work of ministry. These Elite pastors, bishops, prophets, and evangelists who have this spirit of elitism will be angered if others do not refer to them by their title's. "Jesus warned against afixation on titles", read Matt 23: 9-10.  "Anyone who is in God is called of God to serve Him" not the pastor!!  "And remember this, God is no respector of person"...Be blessed!!


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