" Last Day Saints " Blog#1 " Thank you for visiting my site"... The purpose of this site is to inform other believers of the truth of God's word, as well as expose the onslaught of the enemy by any means necessary... The devil has infiltrated the Body of Christ by leaps and bounds, while the church has been silent... "Last Day Saints" believe that silence is a sin and should not be tolerated... Therefore we are contending for the faith, and we stand by (Eph 5:11-13)...
This is a repost of Pastor G Craige Lewis radio broadcast "true church perpective"...I believe God wants us reminded of the time we live in according to Revelations... I know that sometimes we forget the word of God, and we have to go back and read it again and again..But we also forget when God has spoken to us through a prophet and we need to be reminded once again...Therefore "I was inspired to repost this message delivered by Pastor Lewis by the Holy Spirit"... I pray that you all will listen, his teachings are powerful..Blessings!!