Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Last Day Saints" blog #1: As Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) we are c...

"Last Day Saints" blog #1: As Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) we are c...: As Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) we are called to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. If we truly love the Lord, family, fr...
As Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) we are called to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. If we truly love the Lord, family, friends and other believers. Then, It should be our "hope" according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ that, they be saved and receive the precious salvation that is freely offered to them... We are living in a time of great deception, occultism, paganism, lukewarmness, and secret sensitive churches. An all out assault has been committed against the Body of Christ and many so-called Christians refuse to take a stand... The tolerance of sin has been embraced by 90% of the christian church who are full of the "gospel of greed", whose walk don't match their talk.! The onslaught of the enemy has devastated lives, when God gave the church the power to overcome the enemy... People are becoming more hostile towards God The Father in their attempt to over-throw Him and enthrone themselves. This "New Age, Oprah Winfrey, Rastafarian ism" have over-taken black people by leaps and bounds, and have now infiltrated the black church... Those who once called themselves ministers and leaders in the black church are now apostates, heretics or hirelings... "When you see and listen to people, that you know who claimed at one time, to serve the one only "living God" but, now claim to be A God! you know that the time is near.!!  Please listen to this video carefully, examine the choice words spoken and line it up with God's word... Just as this person isn't ashamed of what she believes and boldly says what she wants to say on radio, face book etc; I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jews first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith" (Romans 1:16-17)...
Scripture: (2 Thess 2:1-3), ( 1Tim 1:3-11), ( 2 Pet 2:12-22), (Jude vs. 12,13) (Gal 1:6-8) "But even if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you, than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed...    ~Last Day Saints~